Originally from the New York City area, Ursula has been residing in South Florida for over 15 years.
She has over 10 years of experience with plant medicine and psychedelic assisted therapy. And is certified in Dr. Lukens K-CICT™ method. Ursula has a perpetual interest and proven track record in helping organizations integrate policy, psychology, and communications. She is an expert on emotional wellness in the workplace and is working to create a safe environment for corporate wellness programs to adopt ketamine-assisted therapy as a mental health benefit for their employees.
She has been supporting emerging organizations for 25 years as an HR specialist helping establish people focused policies and practices that are aligned with the company desired culture. Enhancing the company’s mission and core values from inside out. Beginning with people.
Everything she does is centered around the physical, mental, and emotional health of employees. Through a caring, compassionate lens, she manages growth; boosts team and business productivity, and creates safe spaces for performance-reviews to occur.
Ursula has implemented scalable solutions to critical challenges supporting an organization’s growth. Leading from a consultative approach and always cognizant the key ingredients to a sustainable workplace, are to build and nurture a culture of trust and safety.